This year at the annual membership meeting, which will be held on Wednesday, October 9TH, 2024, there will be an election to fill 3 Paa-Ko Sewer Board of Directors’ seats. One seat will be filled for the one-year term remaining for the board seat vacated by Robert Schoener. One seat will be filled for the remaining one-year term remaining for the board seat vacated by James B. Ellsworth. One seat will be filled for the remaining three-year term vacated by Greg Walker. Any questions surrounding the directors’ responsibilities can be directed to the current board members who may be reached by telephone: Michael Boice (505) 407-8191; Marty Morrison (316) 308-0438; Scott Verhines (505) 263-4520.
All members of the Association have the right to nominate themselves or other members of the Association to fill the vacant board positions. To do so, simply submit your nomination or nominations to Ms. Eugenia Young at the Board’s office in Albuquerque by letter (Eugenia Young- Communities Sewer Assn- 1717 Louisiana Blvd. NE #111- ABQ, NM 87110); fax, (505-260-2179) or email ( Nominations MUST be received by Eugenia Young not later than 5:00 p.m. MST on September 9th, 2024. Each nomination must include the name of the nominee, contact information such as telephone number, address and email address. In addition, the nominee must include a short biographical introduction of himself or herself to the membership. The introductions should be limited to not more than one page (8-1/2 x 11). When the notice of the annual meeting is mailed to all members, the biographical introductions and contact information for each candidate will be included. (See “Statement of Interest”, included for completion & return).
Any nominations received after 5:00 p.m. MST on September 9th, 2024, will not be eligible to be on the election ballot. There will be NO floor nominations. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Eugenia Young @ (505) 268-2800. Go to READ MORE and then to DOCUMENTS to download the Statement of Interest form needed.
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