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Sunday, March 30, 2025

News & Events

What's Happening?




Keys Found

Some keys were found in front of a residence on Kiva Place on Saturday.  Appears to be mail key plus maybe a motorcycle key ...
It will be turned in at the Paa-Ko Office on Monday.

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Published on Sunday, March 30, 2025




Special Meeting of the BOD of the Paa-Ko Sewer Association

On Wednesday, April 2nd at 2:00 pm, there will be a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Paa-Ko Sewer Association.  It will be held at the offices of MOLZEN-CORBIN ENGINEERS..

The purpose of the meeting is to review the status of Molzen-Corbin engineering report for PCSA and schedule for finalizing work..

As this meeting is being held at a location with limited space for attendees, members interested in attending may forward a request for the link to join the meeting via Microsoft Teams

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Published on Sunday, March 30, 2025




EMWPA Educational Outreach Program - Event #4


This coming Saturday, (March 22nd), EMWPA will be holding our fourth educational outreach program. The program that is scheduled will feature a person from PNM as well as a program on home owner's insurance in the East Mountains. This session will take place at Los Vecinos Community Center, and start at 9 am, and last until about 12 noon. The details are in the attached flyer.
If you do not think you will be able to attend in person, but can connect via Zoom, make sure you let us know in your RSVP.
Please note - if the link is not underlined and blue, it is not a "hot" link. This means that you will have to cut/paste this address into your browser to make it work. It is not necessary to have a Zoom account to join the meeting. Remember to look for this email in your spam folder too. The details for the meeting are in the attached flyer.

Go to READ MORE and then to DOCUMENTS to view the informational flyer.

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Published on Sunday, March 16, 2025




RED FLAG Alert From East Mountain Wildfire Preparedness Association


This morning the National Weather Service (NWS) changed Monday's weather forecast to red flag status. Pay attention to conditions on Tuesday as well. It will probably be updated to red flag status in the next 24 hours.

Here again is a reminder of the meaning of red flag weather conditions: Red flag conditions are when the temperature for that specific day is unusually high, the relative humidity is very low (15 per cent or lower), winds speeds are above 20 miles per hour (mph) sustained, with much higher gusts, the area wide fuels are extremely dry and receptive to ignition (we all know this is the case - no precipitation of any consequence since early November), and finally these conditions are expected to last for at least 6 hours across the area.   

The official details: red flag conditions are expected to be met by 11 am, and last until 7 pm. Winds will be out of the southwest/west at 25-35 mph, with gusts from 40 to 50 mph. relative humidity will drop to between 7 -13 per cent. The final admonition from the weather service: any fires that develop will spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. EMWPA adds to this that conditions before and after the actual red flag trigger point will be similar, so be prepared. Take tomorrow morning to make sure you are prepared, especially for the winds. Here is the link to the official NWS forecast:  

The fine fuels (grass and tumbleweeds for example) are ready to ignite. The EMWPA mantra is always - Be Aware, Be Prepared!

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Published on Sunday, March 16, 2025





Over on Chaco Loop, a resident captured pictures of a couple of cats who have been spotted in his yard.  Hopefully these guys can be identified or  have gotten home safely

Go to READ MORE and then to DOCUMENTS to see the photos

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Published on Sunday, March 16, 2025




Campbell Ranch Appeals Hearing - This Thursday

R E M I N D E R ! ! !

On November 21, 2024, the Edgewood Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) approved an application to allow development of 1200 acres of Campbell Ranch property, directly across from Paa Ko Communities.  On Thursday March 6, an Appeals Hearing regarding that decision will begin at 2 pm at Edgewood Town Hall, 171-A State Road 344. 

The Town Commission will hear testimony from multiple appellants on the approval, including several Paa Ko residents and Bernalillo County. They will decide to uphold, deny, or revert the decision to the PZC for further review.  Their decision affects our entire community. 
Visit :  for more information.

Also, here is an informational link provided by EMPAC that briefly discusses the history of, and the future concerns of, the Campbell Ranch development.

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Published on Sunday, March 2, 2025




Firewise Needs Committee Members!!

FROM Christian McMahon - Paa-Ko Communities HOA Board of Directors


Call for Firewise Committee Members!


Please strongly consider joining the Firewise committee. You will have a chance to positively impact your community by reducing fire risk, increasing fire preparedness, ensuring our homes continue to be insurable, and improving the overall look and feel of this wonderful community.

Maintaining our Firewise certification is the main goal of the committee.  Many thanks to Tina Lambert for heading it up, and to Jim Kelley for providing help!  They need support from the community!!

Please reach out directly to Tina or one of your Board members.

Firewise collects and records work hours and contractor costs to show the certification authorities that we are actively mitigating fire risks. They also interact with local fire prevention agencies and volunteer groups, and they help provide information for the Welcoming Committee to include in their welcome packets

Thank you for your help with this important part of East Mountain living!


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Published on Sunday, March 2, 2025




Spring Wildfires - Is Your Go Bag Ready?


This coming Saturday, March 1, EMWPA will be holding our third educational outreach program. We will be updating the fire weather outlook for the 2025 wildfire season, and we will be holding an updated repeat of the very popular FREE emergency
'GO' Bag program. This will take place at the Sandia Ranger Station meeting room, starting at 9:00 am and scheduled to last until about 12:00 pm.  FYI, for those that already have the bags, you are welcome to attend. It never hurts to review this information. We only have enough GO bags (maximum 50) for 1 per family, so your RSVP is critical. We encourage you to bring your kids, since they should be aware of how to use this emergency bag.

We have made important strides in getting our Zoom production cleaned up. If you do not think you will be able to attend in person, but can connect via Zoom, make sure you let us know in your RSVP. We will simplify what is the Zoom link so it will be easier to use. Please note - if the link is not underlined and blue, it is not a "hot" link. This means that you will have to cut/paste this address into your browser to make it work. It is not necessary to have a Zoom account to join the meeting. Remember to look for this email in your spam folder too. 

TO RSVP, click on this link

The details for the meeting are in the attached flyer.


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Published on Sunday, February 23, 2025




A Message from San Pedro Creek Board

From the San Pedro Creek Board:

Friday  morning there was a report of a suspected mountain lion attack at a home in San Pedro Creek Overlook, occurring Thursday night.  

The animal scaled an 8-foot retaining wall and two pups were killed..

Be alert and aware of your surroundings when walking in the neighborhood. Be extra cautious with children and pets.  

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Published on Sunday, February 9, 2025




Message from the Paa-Ko Sewer Association Board President


January 2025 Update PCSA

As previously reported, we placed Molzen Corbin to produce a Preliminary Engineering Review PER for the entire Paa-Ko Communities Sewer Association system. This was based on a State Grant of $50,000 for the work. The bids were greater than the amount of the grant and Molzen Corbin was at $111K. We decided we could afford the additional monies and that this planning was badly needed so we put Molzen Corbin under contract last November. We appointed our board member Scott Verhines to manage the project as he has spent his entire career doing this kind of work. The project is going quite well, and we expect completion sometime this summer.

Earlier this year we contacted the State to see if they might help with the additional money required. The State came back to us with an offer of an additional $9K as a grant and $60K as a 20-year loan for 1% annual interest.

To be continued!

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Published on Sunday, February 9, 2025

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«March 2025»

Spring Wildfires - Is Your Go Bag Ready?


This coming Saturday, March 1, EMWPA will be holding our third educational outreach program. We will be updating the fire weather outlook for the 2025 wildfire season, and we will be holding an updated repeat of the very popular FREE emergency
'GO' Bag program. This will take place at the Sandia Ranger Station meeting room, starting at 9:00 am and scheduled to last until about 12:00 pm.  FYI, for those that already have the bags, you are welcome to attend. It never hurts to review this information. We only have enough GO bags (maximum 50) for 1 per family, so your RSVP is critical. We encourage you to bring your kids, since they should be aware of how to use this emergency bag.

We have made important strides in getting our Zoom production cleaned up. If you do not think you will be able to attend in person, but can connect via Zoom, make sure you let us know in your RSVP. We will simplify what is the Zoom link so it will be easier to use. Please note - if the link is not underlined and blue, it is not a "hot" link. This means that you will have to cut/paste this address into your browser to make it work. It is not necessary to have a Zoom account to join the meeting. Remember to look for this email in your spam folder too. 

TO RSVP, click on this link

The details for the meeting are in the attached flyer.

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  • Is maintained by Paa-Ko
    Communities Sewer Association volunteers 
  • For the exclusive use of Paa-Ko Home Owners, Lot Owners and Perspective Owners.

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