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Monday, February 24, 2025

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Reminders and Clarifications Regarding Your 2024 HOA Assessment Bill

From the HOA Board of Directors

Reminders and Clarifications

Regarding Your 2024 HOA Assessment Bill

Please remember that the Paa-Ko Community HOA and Sewer Associations are completely separate entities with individual accounts and distinctly different relationships with HOAMCO. To prevent the confusing comingling of deposits, make sure the correct HOAMCO account number is referenced on your checks or electronic transfers. It is prudent to mail HOA and Sewer payments separately to Nevada. The following paragraphs pertain only to your 2024 annual HOA Assessment bill/s, not to your Sewer Association bill.

On your HOAMCO HOA invoice we neglected to make clear that, while you can resolve the entire annual bill in one payment, the current invoice shows your assessment charges in semi-annual payments since the majority of the community historically preferred this approach. If you elect semi-annual payments, there is a 30-day window during each payment period before late fees apply. The annual 2024 HOA assessment is $310 (paid by everyone.) If applicable, the Amenities (recreation) assessment is $375, and the annual dues for Gated is $790.


Please see the attached document for more details on semi-annual payments. Additionally included is information about on-line payments or how to set-up Auto-Pay.  Go to READ MORE and then to DOCUMENTS to see the attachment. 

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Published on Sunday, January 7, 2024




Voluntary Lighting Standards - From the HOA Board

Lighting standards focusing on limiting the kind and quantity of light from undesirable sources can help to preserve views. (See Outdoor Lighting Standards – Addendum #4) for some VOLUNTARY recommended lighting suggestions. Careful attention to the selection of fixtures, which are shielded or filtered to minimize ambient light, is essential to preserving night views. The A.C.C. shall have the right at any time, without notice, to impose, change or delete lighting standards. 
It should be noted, however, that installation of any lighting within Paa-Ko Communities must adhere to all Bernalillo County ordinances (including, specifically the Bernco East Mountain “Night Sky” Ordinance), in addition to receiving approval by the A.C.C. 
• No lighting will infringe on the neighboring property and/or produce excessive glare. 
• An excessive number of fixtures, or excess light levels and glare will not be allowed. 
• Lighting of plant materials shall be achieved with hidden light sources. These include surface mounted fixtures; lamp recessed in building soffits, overhangs and walls; lamps recessed in the ground; and lamps hidden by plant materials.
• Exterior fixtures shall be located and oriented to focus light inward to minimize light encroachment onto neighboring residences. 
• Building mounted lighting must be directed downward away from adjacent Lots, streets and public spaces. 
• Tennis court, and any other sport court light fixtures must comply with all other type and shielding requirements outlined in these Guidelines and must be specifically approved by the A.C.C. 
• Exterior fixtures mounted on buildings shall be no higher than the line of the first story or eave, or, where no eave exists, no higher than twelve feet (12’) above finished grade and shall be fully shielded to prevent visibility of the light source from the other Lots or Common Area. 

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Published on Sunday, December 17, 2023




Firewise Certificate

The Official Firewise Certificate is attached.  (Go to READ MORE and then to DOCUMENTS)

Present this certificate to your homeowners insurance company to see if you can get a discount on your rate. Some accept them, some do not. In the past, companies such as Farmer's, have recognized this accomplishment, but every company is different.

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Published on Sunday, November 26, 2023




A Comment

While I very rarely insert a personal comment into the newsletter, as I am just the messenger,  today I feel compelled to do so...

To the person who left a grocery store bag full of dog poop part way down my driveway........

If you are older than 5, then shame on you.

I do, however, thank you for properly bagging it, as you are supposed to saved me a lot of work.  

May I also add - - your image has been saved for posterity.......

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Published on Sunday, November 5, 2023




My Regular Random Notes

Here are my random notes about concerns from residents that I put out about every 3-4 months that no one pays attention to:
1 - BARKING DOGS - If you have dogs who constantly bark, please don't leave them out all day or night.  It is very annoying and disruptive to your neighbors. Besides all the people who try and sleep at night, there are some people who work nights or who have many health issues and sleep during the day. 
2 - LOOSE DOGS - Remember, your dogs must be on a leash when walking (a few incidents have happened in the past where an "under control" off-leash dog has attacked another dog or person),  and when in your yard, your dog needs to be confined by a fence.  It's the regulation and law.  If you have a problem with your neighbors dog, please have a conversation with them. If that doesn't work, call Animal Control 505.314.0280   Go to READ MORE to see photos of some recent loose and wandering dogs.
3 - DOG POOP - Always pick up your dogs' poop.  It is not a pleasant thing to look at, smell, or step in. And please don't write back and tell me that there's a lot of wildlife poop around.  Wild animals don't know how to bag their poop. :-)
4 - SPEEDERS AND WALKERS - Once again, there have been several near misses between speeding cars and pedestrians on the roads (especially on the straightaway Paa-Ko Drive). Walkers/runners, please try to stay as close to the edge of the road as possible AND when you hear a car coming, move over. Groups of walkers need to be particularly aware, especially on all the side streets that do not have shoulders.  Cars - PLEASE slow down.  There are speed limits in Paa-Ko.  Know that there will be pedestrians and bike riders on the streets. There are many, many blind curves. Don't kill someone then wish you had been driving slower.
5 - KEYS - If you see keys left in a mailbox, please take them to the Paa-Ko Office.  Don't leave them in the box for some non Paa-Ko person to take (can lead to mail theft).  By the way, the office has a huge collection of keys and other lost items.  Please find time to go and collect your items you have lost.
Always remember to be a responsible pet owner as well as a courteous, respectful, and considerate neighbor.  No one is above the rules.

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Published on Sunday, October 29, 2023




Little Library Steward

The Paa-Ko Little Library has a new Steward. Her name is Rikelle Miller.

To contact her with questions, concerns, or information, her email is and her phone number is

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Published on Sunday, October 22, 2023




Note From Me

If you need something in the newsletter for next Sunday, October 22, please get it to me by this Wednesday the 18th.  I will be unavailable Thursday thru the evening of Monday the 23rd.


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Published on Sunday, October 15, 2023




Photos of Cow Elk in Paa-Ko

She is beautiful!  A number of residents sent pics in this week.  Spotted on Story Teller, Kiva Place, Kokopelli Ct and other spots in the area.  

To see photos, go to READ MORE and then to DOCUMENTS

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Published on Sunday, October 1, 2023




Mountain Lion

There was a mountain lion spotted by two residents crossing Raindance this morning.  They were unable to take a photo, but it was large and did cross fairly close to them and their dogs.  Please stay alert and vigilant when outside -always.  We live in the mountains surrounded by wildlife and all can peacefully co-exist.  Its always a good thing to know what to do when encountering any kind go wildlife.

Here is a link with info on what to do if you see a mountain lion

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Published on Sunday, August 6, 2023




Lost and Found

Remember that for all things LOST and all things FOUND, the Paa-Ko Sales Office is the place to go.  

Earlier this week, some keys were turned in at the office that were left in the mailboxes at Kiva.  I was unavailable to send info out at the time, so hopefully they have been claimed.

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Published on Sunday, August 6, 2023

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    Communities Sewer Association volunteers 
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